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Okay, so it comes down to an issue of design, which is exactly the function of the Bricktown Design Review Committee.
This is a unique challenge but it seems to me the proper course of action would be for the committee to work with the proprietor to come up with possible solutions.
It is NOT their job to pass judgement on what a property is to be used for (this is addressed through zoning and other ordinances) no more than it is the job of the Planning Commission to impose restricted hours on Guyutes on some completely arbitrary basis.
These committees need to be reminded they are there to ASSIST not serve as some sort of policy-making body that looks for new ways to say "no". Their charter should be to find a "yes" that suits everyone involved.
OKC is trying very hard to move forward at an ever increasing pace and we have far too many bottlenecks and committees overstepping their bounds. We need to take care of these issues and soon.