Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
Exactly. Just look at OKCTalk.

This city's biggest cheerleaders on this board are living elsewhere, some having moved very recently and by choice. There are a few more posters that I know are planning to leave soon, and these are positive people, not debbie downers. I know people have different reasons for living where they do, but if OKC is really a city that has "arrived," why are OKCTalk's young, educated cheerleaders leaving by choice for places like Seattle, Denver, Austin, etc? It's easy to admire the progress in OKC and look at it through rose colored glasses when you live in some higher tiered city that already has all the amenities that OKC can possibly get within the next 10-15 years and you don't have to deal with the frustrating things about living here.

How can OKC become a city where people WANT to live in even when presented with other options? It's a real problem that so many people, even those who are happy with the direction that OKC is going, still want to leave for greener pastures. That means, despite all the progress, there is something that OKC is still doing wrong.

As for the attitude you speak of, the only way that is going to change is to have a big transplant boom like Raleigh and Charlotte have seen.
Terrible logic here. I am assuming you are referring to me as one of the people who have moved. I didn't move because I don't like OKC, I moved because I had an excellent opportunity in another city. It happens, its called life. Americans are mobile...nobody lives in the same town forever. I know several people who are making plans to leave Dallas. Does that mean DFW is in trouble? Why did you leave Charlotte?

You assume that since people on a message board are moving than that means everyone else is leaving and they are doing so because this place is a dump. No offense, but you love to use these logical fallacies and I find them to be infuriating, frankly. OKC is growing and has ranked in the top 10-12 big metros in terms of growth for some time now. Not a top 5 "boomtown" that people on here love to reference, but healthy above average growth with strong domestic in-migration a/k/a people moving in from other parts of the country. You can look at the data here.