Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
That may be true if you are drinking cheap American light beer which is watered down to begin with. However, there is a huge difference in taste when comparing real full-flavored beers brought at a liquor store with their 3.2 counterpart bought at a grocery store. Compare beers like Blue Moon, Dos Equis, and Shiner. The 3.2 version tastes very watery compared to the real version. I also get horrible hangovers from 3.2 beer. I rarely get them when drinking real beer.
In all honesty, I can't really taste a big difference between "Package Store" Dos Equis or Shiner and "Grocery Store" Dos Equis or Shiner. This is probably why I generally don't buy either of those at a "Package Store." I opt, instead for something along the lines of Smithwick's, Sam Adams or Peretti Dublo Malto. I do, however, mourn the passing of OM (Old Milwaukee, The Hindu Brew of Choice) as a fine lawnmowing beer for the Oklahoma City market. Thankfully, Milwaukee's Best is still available at grocery stores to fill the vacuum.

Dang. This reminds me that I need to mow the lawn and vacuum out the rental car.