Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
I have to say this thread is surprising. I have always enjoyed this forum mostly because of all the positive people who enjoy watching OKC develop and get better. Every person I have visit is pleasantly surprised by OKC and they aren't coming to visit from Wichita but from NYC, Seattle, Austin, Dallas, London, San Diego. is it perfect? far from it as I don't think many places are. the political enviroment is horrible but things don't get better by running away to greener pastures but some people have to do what they have to do. the negativity of this thread though is disheartining and makes me wonder why even have an interest in OKCtalk if that is your feeling. To each their own though.
sorry man.

disregard this thread. I've just been depressed lately. I didn't mean what I said in my post.