There is one thing that I don’t have much patince for’s a procrastinator. When I tell someone that I will get a job done, I will always give them a time frame. I hate it when somebody says they will get to it “when they have time,” eventually,” “next week,” “in a couple of months,” “maybe this weekend,” etc, etc, etc……….

Three things I dislike in people……dishonesty, procrastination, and those who are always late for something. If you can’t make it on time, call ahead and let a person know. There is usually one reason why people are always late…..bad planning. If you have to be somewhere by a certain time, then you may need to leave a little early.

Yes, I have been late before, however, I have always called before I was actually late and explained that I would be late. If you are late because you oversleep, then get yourself a good alarm clock…or two good alarm clocks. Make sure you put them in your room so that you have to get up to turn them off. If you put one by your bed, it is no good….you will just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. I always set my watch alarm and my alarm on my cell phone, and I have always been to work on time…even in inclimate weather.

To me, being late is disrespectful. If you are late to a party, then you are being disrespectful towards that host/hostess. If you are late going to a movie, then you are being disrespectful to those who arrived on time and are watching the movie. If you are late getting to work, you disrespect your boss and his rules, and are basically telling him that your job isn’t that important.

Planning ahead and good management of time will always get you someplace on time.