You know honestly, I can't even believe we are being regulated on this, but if anything, people should be allowed to have chickens.

EDMOND — Jamie Newton wants urban chickens in her Edmond backyard, but a city ordinance allows backyard egg-layers only on land zoned agricultural.

Newton has gardens at her home in the 1400 block of Mockingbird Lane and she would like to use the soil-enhancing waste on her plants. She also is interested in fresh eggs, something you can’t buy in the store, she said.

“I have a grandson, and he would be able to interact with another animal,” Newton said Wednesday.

Newton asked city council members this week to put backyard chickens on a future agenda for a possible change in the ordinance.

Much to her surprise Newton learned she wasn’t the only one in Edmond wanting chickens.

Mayor Charles Lamb said they have been looking at the wording of the ordinance because other people had requested backyard chickens.

- read more here: Some Edmond residents want chickens in their backyards | News OK