Well, looks like robbers had made their first attack on one of the buffalo statues downtown. This one was in front of the ballpark. I kind of wonder how they stole it without anyone noticing! It's a shame people would go to these measures.

"Buffalo statue stolen in Bricktown

By Cordell Jordan

The following is a script from a NEWS 9 broadcast
An Oklahoma City business and police need your help finding a buffalo rustler.

One of the more than 100 life-sized buffaloes that decorate the city is missing.

When the Nature Conservancy first started their fundraiser that offered businesses a chance to own a buffalo like this, Main Street Center, which is the headquarters for main street community projects statewide, jumped at the chance. But now, they're the victim of a buffalo-knapping.

Where the Main Street Center buffalo once roamed, only a footprint and questions remain.

Its owners say someone made off with the five-foot tall, eight-foot long fiberglass bison right outside the Bricktown Ballpark. The others in the herd were not touched.

The buffalo, named Home on the Range, had a main street scape on one side with a map on the other; a map to where Weaver says the buffalo was about to roam.

Unless Home on the Range comes home, the buffalo will not make the trip.

Now, the family just wants to make sure their buffalo is okay.

I spoke with the Oklahoma Nature Conservancy office in Tulsa. They say even though some of the buffaloes have been vandalized, this is the first report of a buffalo being stolen.

We're told the buffalo wasn't cheap. Main Street Center officials say they are now out about $3,500."