Alright alright. Look... I guess it doesn't have anything to do with anything.
I'm just sitting here with three friends. We are all bus riders. Only two of us are white. We are looking at the new website and the routes. We joke around about how hot the guy with the sunglasses is on the front page and how we've never seen him on the bus. Then we notice that he isn't even riding a normal bus (looks like a charter bus). Then as we scroll through the site it becomes a joke that all we see are white people. I'm regularly the only white guy on the bus. Then a discussion ensues about how the whole restructuring of the bus system is supposed to encourage new ridership. We had a laugh about how, from the photos we saw on the site, it appears that means "make it look fun and safe for white folks."
Super sorry to offend anyone. In reality though, a little display of diversity on a public transit website wouldn't hurt either.