In the interests of full disclosure, I should note that the letter inspiring that column is mine. It had been a couple of weeks since I sent it, and actually thought they had opted not to respond. I've sent a note of thanks to Mr. Gammill for his time, interest, and responsiveness. I also told him I found the ODOT's response to be entirely less than adequate.

The "businesses have been promised access" is a 1st class lame excuse. They don't contribute one penny to the damage, injury, and inconvenience to the people who are ultimately paying the price for their convenience.

I'm all for accommodating businesses to a reasonable extent, but driving by an accident every other day just so the local car dealer's delivery truck or what-have-you doesn't have to go two or three miles out of his way to get to I-240 E is asinine. Think the folks who get hurt there should get to send those businesses part of the bill.

I'd even support a compromise - if businesses truly have their knickers in a wad over the idea of closing that ramp, then leave it open during the day, but then close it just around rush hour - say from 3pm to 6pm in the evening. Put a barrier on it. But that costs a lot more money than just closing the thing permanently.