Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
To my surprise, the older I get, the less the heat bothers me. So long as I can get some shade, I'm good. Hot is uncomfortable but cold HURTS.

And then there's the old, "you don't have to shovel sunshine."

Love a low in the high fifties, high in the mid 80's/90. Two months of highs in the mid nineties beats two months of highs in the upper thirties, in my book. Love the growing season.
There are differences in cold just like there is with heat, 30 degrees in OKC feels a whole lot colder than 20 in Denver just like 100 in Austin is miserable where as 100 here in Denver isn't too bad (50% vs. 15% humidity). The humidity and wind make a big, big difference, my wife found that out the first winter up here when she could go outside with a regular fleece jacket and it was 16 degrees and she is cold natured.

The only time that is has been real frigid the three winters here was when we were on the fringe of the "polar vortex" around New Year's and we were getting down to around -15 and highs were below zero, it was still nothing compared to what the Upper Midwest was going through. As long as the wind wasn't blowing I could go out and get the paper in just a sweatshirt and jeans during that spell.