Some people react negatively to different genres of music for reasons that may have little to do with the music and a lot to do with what they bring to the party. Rock and roll was awful, rap is awful, country is awful, jazz is awful. We are all entitled to our personal tastes and that should be respected, IMO. You see the same thing with the visual arts where people hate abstract or primitive. The more I learn and appreciate the genre the more I get why others like it even if it isn't my cup of tea. I think a lot of non musicians like country because the lyrics are a big part and they can join in with song. It's also feels good and just makes you happy. That's a legitimate reason for music and IMO, something to appreciate. Candidly, a lot of different types of music are lost on me because I lack a music/instrument background and miss a lot that my better trained friends notice. On the other hand, a lot of those same people completely miss the lyrics because they aren't important to them. Country, to me, is very akin to poetry. And modern country is making great use of cadence more akin to rap than Rock in a way I like.