Man, hate to do this, but saw 4 more things on my 30 minute drive home that I see in OKC that I haven't seen anywhere else very much, if at all...

"They got brakes" - people pulling out onto a main street almost literally right in front of other cars, then going slow. Saw this 3 times happening to someone else, and once to me, just on the way home. Could be a by-product of Okie drivers expecting all other Okie drivers to be going slow...

Can't figure out 4-way stops - if you get there first, do *not* wait for the person coming up to it that's 2 blocks away, then decide to wave them on. Just go if you're the first, and if you're not the first, right-of-way is called that for a reason. Can't count how many times I've sat there waiting for the dumb*** waving me on to go, because they either got there first or they were on my right, not going to continue the stupidity...

In the left lane and wanting to turn right (or vice versa) 20-30 feet (or whatever distance) ahead and just sitting there with your turn signal on (most of the time) holding up all traffic behind you and just generally screwing things up in both lanes.

Can't figure out friction and gravity - if you're holding your accelerator pedal steady, you will slow down going up a hill and speed up going down a hill, most of the time. Watch your speedometer, don't go between 30 and 50 when the speed limit is 40, just stay consistent, really not that hard.

Hopefully no more....