Celebrate the coming of Spring with the sultry art of the striptease and amazing variety acts! Our guest stars this month are Coco Lectric, Violet Vendetta, and Bethany Summersizzle! We'll be bringing you an amazing show complete with door prizes, photo booth, audience participation games and more! Dress to impress!

Doors: 8:00 pm
Show: 9:00 pm

$20-35 in advance available at www.adelewolf.com
All prices will go up $5 at the door so get them in advance!
Limited VIP tickets available! Get front row seats and a poster signed by the cast!

18+ to enter
21+ to drink

Coco Lectric, Austin, TX
Bethany Summersizzle, Austin, TX
Violet Vendetta, Kansas City, MO
Adèle Wolf, OKC

Aerial & Acrobatics:
Bethany Summersizzle, Austin, TX
Violet Vendetta, Kansas City, MO

Caliana Amar, OKC

Renee Anderson, OKC

Door prizes from:
AALIM Bellydance Academy
Adèle Wolf's Burlesque and Variety Show
Bad Granny's Bazaar
Dig It

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