Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
And I'd love to see the Myriad Gardens expanded. Plans originally called for two Crystal Bridges, one with desert/arid plants and the other with rainforest. Why not complete the project? I'd love to see the city buy up Bob Howard Ford, and expand the Myriad Gardens, with more water features, and possibly another Crystal Bridge for arid plants. And the canal could be extended down Reno to connect in with all of this. Taking a water taxi ride under the Myriad Gardens would be pretty nifty.
Not a bad idea, Patrick. I never knew that about the gardens, but that definitely would appear much nicer than having a car dealership across from the gardens. BDP also made a great point. The gardens are highly underutilized. I don't see why they don't support at least weekend attractions by now...

As for NASCAR in Oklahoma City, sadly I'm all for it. While it would definitely bring many eye sores to the city, it'd also increase revanue substantially. The Fairgrounds are a perfect place to place a track, so long as they buy up land around the area to make room.