How on earth would the public school systems survive w/o the Baptist children...Talk about a moronic proposal...They shouldn't have to spend 8 hours a day with heathen children

A resolution to take Baptist children out of public schools did not make it to the floor for a vote.

Like other Southern Baptist state conventions across the country, Frie said an "exit strategy" resolution calling for Southern Baptists to pull their children from public schools was submitted to the Oklahoma convention. It was not one of several resolutions approved Tuesday.

Frie said Oklahoma Southern Baptists wanted to send a different message. Instead of supporting the exit strategy proposal initially introduced at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting several years ago, the committee submitted a resolution encouraging parents to be involved in their children's education in public, private or home schools.

Jordan said he was not surprised convention delegates approved the resolution.

"We do not propose an exit strategy because we believe we still have an opportunity to be ‘salt and light' in the public school system and we believe there are many public school systems across Oklahoma that are doing a good job," he said.

Jordan also said there are many good teachers and administrators committed to working within the public schools.