News 9 / Gazette poll shows Cornett winning by 45 points. He's leading among every age group and every ideological group, from "very liberal" to "very conservative." The only demographic category the poll showed Shadid leading was among people making less than $25k a year.

If this poll holds up, STEVE HUNT will have performed better among voters than Ed Shadid, and Hunt had exactly no money to spend on his campaign.

This shows what a disaster Ed's campaign strategy is and how politically tone deaf he is. You can't do anything to help anyone if you can't get elected, and once elected, if you cannot rally people to your side, you cannot accomplish any of your initiatives.

It's also political folly to screw over people who helped get you elected in the first place. If you have no loyalty to people who worked for you, how can you be trusted by the citizens?

Here's a link to the poll:

Poll: Cornett Leads Shadid By Wide Margin In OKC Mayor's Race - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |