Did anyone read the article on Great Plains Airlines that was printed in the past Sundays' Oklahoman? It mentioned how the airline's failure has affected Tulsa and the state.

It also had an investor's opnion that he would give away $300,000 of his own money to have good air service between OK and the rest of the nation.

The question I have is, are there efforts to start another OK-based airline? I would really like to see a new airline (I don't really care about RJ's, as long as it has RJ's that can fly nonstop between here and both coastlines) that starts out with 8 planes, and is headquartered in Oklahoma City. We'll already have three open gates, and with the new east concourse, it could later be moved over there. Too bad GP went under.

Atleast we have a bunch of people who know how important good air service is and want to do something about it.
