Maybe this is more of a "music mystery" than "trivia" but since there are a lot of people who visit this site who are far more in tune with modern music and artists than I am, I thought I'd try to get an answer to my question in here.

I often find myself listening to The Spy during my (usually later than most people's) PM Drivetime.
Last Thursday night, just before 8:00 pm, I was tuned into The Oklahoma Rock Show. At least I think it had to be that program, but other factors have me wondering if it was. When they finally posted the playlist for that edition of the show there was nothing on it, that would have played at the time I was listening, that matches up with what I heard on air. The on-air announcer mentioned just having played the entire new Jessie Aycock album and that's what the playlist indicates it was. However, I did some checking online and nothing by Jessie A. matches what I listened to.

The song featured a female vocalist (or at least the vocalist sounded female). Both the lyrics and the arrangment were . . . "surrealistic" (for lack of a better term). The sound reminded me a lot of some of those old Cowboy Junkie songs (sort of weird and "echo-y").

Part of the song, that is, the part that was near the end of the first cut by whoever this was or just before a "break" in the song leading into the second part of the same song by the same artist, had something to do with driving down a long, dark, highway--apparently looking for something--taking an exit ramp, encountering a rusted (or rusty) sign, turning around and driving back home.

As I said, the arrangement was "surrealistic", heavily layered, and included some of that 'being played backwards' music that you might have heard on some of the old, more "progressive" tunes by the Beatles.

This is like having a song stuck in my head . . . except only the shadow of a song that I can't identify. It will bug me for awhile, then it won't, but in the meantime, any guesses on what this piece might have been and who might have performed it? I know the clues are extremely vague, but those are all I have to give.

P.S. I did NOT imagine all this, nor was I under the influence of anything organic or otherwise. =)