Looks like OKC has continued to move forward by passing the hote tax increase to improve state fair grounds livestock facilities. It passed by an overwhelming margin. At the same time, Tulsa voted down a proposal to build a new central library. Unfortunately, Tulsa once again let politics get in its way...everything from the location of the library to the cost. Many of the posters on Tulsa Now called a proposal for a new downtown library a waste of funds. I'm sorry to express my opinion here, but I highly disagree with this. The downtown library in OKC has really added to the arts district, and moved OKC into the 21st century. Meanwhile Tulsa sits with a 39 year old library, and they seem to be happy with that. I will never understand their mindset.

downtownguy has an interesting blog on this today. www.downtownguy.blogspot.com