So things went well for someone I was assisting this morning over in El Reno and we wrapped earlier than anticipated. As I said my buh byes for now and turned, the first person I see is a former co worker and dear friend, also from Norman. We decided to grab a bite and catch up as her morning had just freed up as well. Not going over there much, I asked a local deputy where to grab a decent breakfast. He and someone just walking in both said Sid's. I allowed as I wasn;t aware it was known for breakfast fare or even open that early.

"Oh, trust me. Sid's." So off we went.

I'm here to tell you, if you like old fashioned, down home country breakfast fare, and you are anywhere near El Reno, Sid's will hit the spot for you. Third best bacon I've had anywhere, behind 324 (A class of its own) and Ozzie's in Norman. Best thick cut ham I've had anywhere in a spell, including Ozzie's, and a cook who understands that sunny side up does not mean runny, runny, runny. There just aren't near enough of these cooks in this world.

I've already adjusted my calendar to leave earlier on my next trip. After all,we might not wrap early next time but I do plan on eating breakfast at Sid's.