Don't switch over to the "Dark Side" (Macs), if you do, you'll never go back to a pc. I think what I like the most is, they just work. My last Windows machine was Windows XP and it wasn't bad, but it was still a pc. I switched in 2007. And to paraphrase President Obama, if you like your Windows, you can keep it, period. Macs will run Windows, I put XP on my Macbook for two programs that I no longer even use, but it's there if I feel like booting Windows and being abused again! As far as I know, you can't load OSX (Mac operating system) on a pc.
C. T.
C. T.
Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
As far as I'm concerned, Windows peaked with XP (and 2000 wasn't too shabby) and it's been going downhill ever since.
Almost tempts me to completely switch over to Macs.