Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
Wiki says Sears Holdings is still the 10th largest retailer by annual revenues in the US and that Kmart is the third largest discount retailer in the world behind Walmart and Target.
That's why I suspect Sears will endure merely by virtue of the strength of its owner. Kmart could let Sears languish for a long time, so long as they perceive the name has some sort of value and brings bodies through the door. JCPenney doesn't have that kind of luxury. The key will be how much longer things go before you start hearing them run low on cash, or start having trouble paying suppliers, or start soliciting new or restructured financing...but can't get it...and that's when they'll really be on the precipice and the bankruptcy hawks will really start circling.

I wonder how much JCPenney has tied up in all this rebuilding and remodeling that the Apple guy started up that has since been heralded a disaster in the midst of their pitiful sales numbers over Christmas?