This is both an observation and a rant, so bear with me.
I have noticed compared to other cities, OKC has a serious dearth of any quality condo and townhome developments. I am talking about the entire city, not just the core area, as we all know the 2008 crash derailed any hope of large scale condo developments in that area. A quick look on Zillow reveals that OKC has 102 condos and townhouses for sale. That compares to 188 for Tulsa, 66 for Little Rock (of course Little Rock has 67% fewer people than OKC but only 35% fewer listings), and 276 for Kansas City. I realize this isn't super scientific and browsing through the listings showed a lot of 70's shag carpet specials.
I also remember a story in the Journal Record that revealed than up to 9% of people surveyed would like to own a condo/TH but they consisted of 1% of total housing units in the city. Even in my very suburban hometown, townhouse developments, many quite high end, have been popping up and selling out fast.
I have always felt that OKC's housing stock is very undiverse; if you don't want a standard suburban lot or something semi rural you are really out of luck here. At the same time, with more young people moving here, baby boomers looking to downsize, and people waiting later to have kids if at all, you would think developers would start looking seriously at adding some for sale multi family units. Am I really asking too much here?