Anyone here seen the movie Wolf of Wallstreet starring Leonardo DiCaprio portraying corrupt stockbroker Jordan Belfort of Stratton Oakmont?

The movie is pretty controversial as critics claim it to be over the top sensationalism of drugs and sex.

I really like Scorsese movies and actor Dicaprio so I would have seen it regardless - but my main draw was the Oklahoma tie and all the stories I had heard and documents I had read and wanted to see if they were captured on film. While certainly not portrayed in the movie, a local lawyer friend of mine was the defense attorney for two of the federally indicted defendants (the only two not to receive prison time). So I had heard the stories about this case for years and how unbelievable these people were; the rampant drug use, prostitutes bought as bonuses for brokers and how money and drugs just flowed like water and how the trial transcripts alone would be an excellent script for a movie.

So, I went to see it pretty biased and awestruck with the back story.

Gotta say, I really liked the movie but could see where it would turn off a lot of people with the glorification of drugs and all the blatant nudity and sex.

Just wondered what others thought.

I've actually been spending time going through literally 17 file boxes of court documents from Belfort's trial.... transcripts, FBI 302's and even actual audio tapes from Belfort's conversations when he was wired or being bugged. Fascinating and head shaking stuff.