BChris might be the best poster on these boards. His ideas are almost spot on. We just don't have the mentality that we should have to become big time. Also, he is 100 percent correct that our skyline could be dramatically improved at night if just several other buildings would get with the program and do something with their lighting. It doesn't even have to be dramatic like the Devon but it would give the current buildings that look "dead" a more vibrant and alive look.

If we could get a couple more towers and mid rises along with the other buildings doing more, it could look pretty impressive to people in our city and those passing through. Like we said earlier, do our leaders not realize that people wanting to locate here not notice stuff like this. It may not be the catch all but subconsciously it DOES make an impression and leaves them thinking "this city really has something going on" and just might want to bring their business here. Who needs to be contacted or what can be done to get other buildings downtown a part of showing the world a more dynamic and vibrant downtown??