We used Uber last night and came across my first issue with the app unless I am missing something. We were at a beer tasting at McNellies with another couple from Shawnee that was staying at hotel in bricktown. They were not familiar with Uber and was going to take a taxi. I used my Uber to get them a ride to bricktown. No problem and a little bmw 328 pulled up a few minutes later. Here is the problem though...I would not let me request a call for me and my wife until they were delivered to the hotel and that ride was completed. Fortunately they were only going to Bricktown and it wasn't a long wait. They need to set it up where you can request multiple cars for multiple rides. Our ride was a Dodge four door pickup btw.
Speaking with my driver, he told me that there were only four drivers full time and the rest had other jobs which explains why cars are a little more scarce during the business day. I have looked during the day and the time for a car was 15-20 minutes most of the time and I office downtown. I am sure this will get better as they get more drivers.