If you don't have your dial tuned to TCM, you are missing out on a Calvalcade O' Oldies (in the form of films) that help us to understand why Dick Clark hosted New Year's Rockin' Eve for so long. The first was "Let's Rock" the one on now is something else. They are both set back in The Good Old Days when the [circumcised] Fifth Columnists controlled Tin Pan Alley and insidiously lured American teenagers onto the road to perdition by using "liberal" race music.

I am reminded of "Hairspray" and "Mystery Science Theater 3000" (except without the pre-fab wisecracks from the in-house hecklers).

If TCM would only rerun this series of cinematic triumphs/great historical propaganda examples from about 10:00pm to 12:00am, today, it would be a community service in terms of providing the opportunity to play a home-version of the second game show, above (MST3K-HV).

One of the things that impressed me most about both films, so far, is how much actual singing talent actually existed within "the black community" back then. (Gene McDaniels and Ken Robinson, for example. Gary "U.S. Bonds" had not yet blossomed into his fullness. =)

(back to doing a huge pile of leftover dishes from our most recent "holiday get-together")