Home Prices Back at Peaks in Some Areas - WSJ.com

On page 1 of today's WSJ and at the link above (behind their paywall), they report that OKC leads the nation's housing recovery.

"Values are up more than 13% from their 2007 high in Oklahoma City and by more than 6% in the Denver metro area. Prices are back to all-time highs in 10 of the nation's 50 largest metropolitan areas, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of price data from Zillow, an online real-estate information service." Further into the story, "Nearly every ZIP Code in Oklahoma City's metro area is at a record high or within 5% of the previous high, according to the Journal analysis. A realtor representative said, "We had no bubble here, so there was really no reason for prices to drop."

In an accompanying graphic showing the OKC metro: "It mostly escaped the housing downturn, as population and job growth have fueled steady gains."