Last night I watched the best thing I've seen on CBS since Walter Cronkite used to do the news.
It was a Garth Brooks Special filmed (live?) at a Steve Wynn Casino in Vegas. He spent most of the show paying homage to his influences, both personal and musical. It Was Great. Even with the Chris Gaines cameo during a Walmart ad.
He ended the show with a (second) encore of my favorite Garth Brooks song, "I've Got Friends In Low Places."
The perfect icing on the perfect cake.
Today, I accidentally tuned-in to the studio version of this song on a local Public Radio Station:
Prior to that, above, there was the studio version of this, below, (on another local NPR program).
I liked it too. It made me feel good. Not that the song is "happy happy happy" . . .
rather, because no matter how sad the lyrics, good roots music is still out there.
(Note: The studio version added pedal steel and cut the intro and the coughing.)
This may help explain why I like John "The Flash in the Pan" Fullbright's musical poetry so much. =)
Metacognition: There needs to be more of it. At least I think so.
As excellent a repository of "Good Tunes Worth Listening To" Feel Good Music 1 may be, it was getting huge and difficult to load.
No contribution to the culture in here will be rejected (except perhaps by Pete or Martin "The Mod With The Heart o' Gold" Formerly Known as MMM).