I can understand the frustration, but it's not as simple as a relative come and get it. Joe Sixpack can leave his car on the side of the road unattended until ma, bubba or someone from work can scoop it up with a spare key. But if the govt. takes the driver and leaves the car unattended, it's going to deal with the headaches that go along with any damages, theft, etc. So, the govt. would eat the cost of sitting until someone shows.
But, then who gets to show? Do LEO's rely on the word of the intoxicated person? Can he or she truly consent to turning the car over to someone, or consent to leave it unattended? What level of kinship is necessary? What proof will suffice? How many appropriate peeps know where adequate documentation is on a moment's notice to scoop it up, deal with pets or children, and pop out late pm or early early am?
Of all the headaches, taking the word of a drunk and the cost of waiting seem the biggest obstacles. Most FOP's will say their community is way understaffed. Is the cost to society appropriate to endure vs. the cost of impound, which is attributable to an owner or user's decision to drink and drive?
Not seeing it myself, though I do agree impound fees are extremely high, as are many tow fees.