I'm not a native of OKC, but our IT group has its corridor walls plastered with old pics from territorial/Land Run days to 40s/50s OKC. There's one of the pics that looks like something out of Bedford Falls that for some reason is really magical in its aspect.

It shows a snowy street (deep snow)...in the foreground is a sign that says "Ned's Grill". Across the street is a theater whose marquee reads "*PTOWN" (I assume "Uptown") and the words 'James Cagney HIT' with 'Ann Sheridan HIT', but no movie name.

So....real or photoshop? OKC or not OKC? I'm guessing from a search of Cagney/Sheridan movies, it's in the 1938-1940 range, but any other help/recollections appreciated.