Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
I would love to have the discussion stick with the 'replacement' but when the focus seems to center on building height I just don't know where we go from there. It seems like if he just added 20 stories to the current design all opposition would just melt away. In reality - the height difference between 16 stores and 36 stories should the LAST item of contention. There are so so many other consideration that should take priority over height.

1) Streetwall
2) retail space
3) Exterior lighting
4) Sidewalk interaction
5) Set backs
6) Curb cuts
7) parking ingress/egress
8) terminal view on California Ave
9) 10,000 things I can't think of right now
10,010) Building height
I don't completely disagree with any of this but what has RW done so far in this process besides offer a proposal of a proposal to make you so confident all of your 10,000 + considerations will come to fruition? Or even be considered (besides parking, and good point Hoyasooner)