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I don't think throwing millions of dollars at building storm shelters is the answer for protecting Oklahoma's Children during severe weather. We all know how this scheme will turn out some districts will get the best shelters for the money while others get taken by fly by night companies and shoddy workmanship that is not discovered until years after the shelter is built. You also have the possibility of district officials building cheap and pocketing the money.
What we need to look at is the fact that single story, brick and mortar, flat roof school houses have to be phased out in this state. Moore Public Schools has 23 of these type elementary schools strung out around the district. Most of them are less than a mile from one another. Imagine how much safer if these schools were cut down to 12 or 6 four to five story(including basement/concourse level) facilities on the same size footprint as the average elementary school in Moore. If a tornado hit the old Central High School in Downtown OKC or Capitol Hill High School there is a pretty good chance the schools would survive structurally and the kids inside would as well with minor injuries from flying debris.