Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
More future unfunded liabilities No thanks
So you are fine with paying higher hospital/insurance costs to make up for the emergency room visits by the poor? And since medicaid expansion is primarily paid for by the feds, Ill let them worry about money issues. As it is right now, Oklahoma has a incredible amount of fed money waiting to help the uninsured, which would create a better and healthier workforce, help lower hospital costs and prevent rural ones from closing, and would be a gigantic stimulus to our state. And besides, I pay federal taxes, I want some of that to come back to our state rather than help another states health issues.

Quote Originally Posted by s View Post
Throwing money at education won't fix it. Throwing money hasn't fixed it in, what, five decades? Gutting the system, getting rid of the bureaucracies and bureaucrats that suck up the money and issue the fiats and re-empowering the teachers is what's required. But no one will ever do that. We get folks like you who say "just keep throwing money at it, and eventually it will get better." And constantly rationalize the practice by the quivering-voice mantra of, "it's for the children." People who want to throw money at the education system don't want to fix it. They want the status quo, because the status quo will always return the bad results allowing the same tired rhetoric of "throw more money at it." Why would anyone who benefits from the system ever be motivated to fix it, when its inherent system is a self-perpetuating waste machine?

Fixing education is the hard work no one wants to tackle. Teachers and the students in their charge are the ones that pay the price for our educational system.
Has Oklahoma ever been guilty at throwing money at education. As far as I can remember we have always provided some of the lowest amounts to edu. We keep talking about cutting costs and inefficiencies in edu, but if you want to free up more money for the classroom look no further than the ridiculous amount of money being thrown at locking people up. Even our red state brethren Texas is smart enough to enact some justice reform that has saved millions and its only a couple years old. We would have no problem freeing up hundreds of millions that could go to education if we stopped locking up nonviolent criminals and throwing money at the private prison companies.