Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
I have no idea. I think this is bad, though, because Shadid was trying to explain this away as a marijuana addiction, when it would seem he has practiced medicine while high. But I'm not convinced that's all there is to this saga. Reread yukong's post. Apparently there is more sealed than we currently know.

Reread the RDR. They even say that he refused to give them the divorce file. He just gave them the deposition that wasn't even sealed. He is still hiding something. And I would say he has not been forthcoming with the truth. He made the argument all last week that he was trying to keep his kids from learning about his MJ. But that isn't apparently what is sealed. So...there is more to this that he is trying to hide. I'm troubled that this guy is even in the picture, let alone on the council and running for mayor.