Just wanted to take minute talk about real American heroes and how quickly they are slipping away from us. I retired after 27 years in uniform and one of the highlights of my career was the privilege of spending a week with 6 Easy Company, 101st Airborne veterans - of Band of Brothers fame. Those men were my role models and heroes but Buck Taylor, Forrest Guth, Don Malarkey, Bill Guarnere, Clancy Lyall, and Edward Heffron would have none of the hero worship. We shared stories about our particular experiences, good and bad, ranging from D-Day to Bastogne to my time in Iraq. Even though they tired quickly after a long flight, they gave every minute they could to meeting with today's service members and sharing their experiences with them. When I wore the Screaming Eagle, it was an honor to become part of the legacy those men started.

Four of those six men have passed away, the latest being Edward "Babe" Heffron this past Sunday. I admired all of them, but have to admit Babe and "Wild Bill" became my favorites because they were such a hoot to be around. Their antics and friendship was fun to witness for a few days. I fear the remaining two, Bill and Don, may not be long for this world as all of them are around 90 years old. The Band of Brothers received a lot of well deserved fame and attention since the mini series came out, but every one of them would tell you there were thousands of others just as deserving. So I encourage everyone to find a way to let any World War 2 (or subsequent war) veteran you know know how much they are appreciated and spend some time listening to them. It is nearly impossible to not learn something or at the very least gain a profound respect for what they did.

Rest in peace Babe - you earned it. I will never forget you.

'Band of Brothers' WWII Vet "Babe" Heffron Dies at 90 | NBC 10 Philadelphia