Alright, I think I understand this, but will someone correct me if I'm wrong:

ABC 1: Establishment can sell only 3.2% ABW beverages.

ABC 2: Establishment can sell beverages in excess of 3.2% ABW, but those beverages may not account for more than 50% for the restaurants revenue.

ABC 3: Establishments can sell beverages in excess of 3.2% ABW, but they may not be located within 300 feet of a church or a school. I am unsure if there is a restriction of food (I would assume none)

Assuming an establishment has an ABC-2, is it necessary for them to provide documentation that alcohol is not contributing to more than 50% of revenue? I'm not sure of its license, but the Speakeasy serves food, and probably makes a little bit of money doing so. If they are operating under an ABC-2, there's just simply no way that food accounts for anywhere near 50% of their revenue.

Other places I would assume are similar: RePUBlic, TapWerks, Saints, WSKY, McNellie's, etc. These are places that sell food, and I would bet that at least a few of them are using an ABC-2 (I'm 98% positive Saints is) but no way is 50% of the revenue food based.