The thing being overlooked here is that stadium incidents like this - where some joker runs on the field, drunk or not - are fairly routine, and I'd bet dollars to donuts that there are probably fairly standardized security procedures in place for them. And I think it is very likely the presumption is that such individuals are, in fact, drunk, high, or some combination of both, and thus you cannot make assumptions about their physical or mental state. To presume they should have just said, "Come here, buddy" infers a coherent, rational state. I don't think you can make that assumption. Absent that, filled with a stadium of 85K people they'll evacuate for the sake of a lightning bolt six miles away, taking down a goon like this is entirely acceptable. The first, most important option is to get the offender neutralized.

I think if you saw the same or similar circumstances in any other major stadium venue, you'd have seen very nearly the same response.

Police brutality? Give me a physical break. If the guy was really stone-cold sober, he had to know something like that was in the offing. If he were under some sort of influence, he had to be taken out.