I have thrown up my hands in frustration wondering what one person can do when the masses seem to think what happened at Owen Field with the guy dancing on the field and getting a blind-side, from the back tackle by an OHP trooper is somehow appropriate.
The guy (maybe had one too many?) runs on to the field, he's jumping and dancing during the TV break when Trooper Brian Orr decides the only way to deal with this serious situation is to assault this man with his full bodily force. People cheer. The OHP? They've praised the action. All sorts of accolades are coming his way. I'm just blown away that people now think the answer to minor illegal activity is - violence. Violence, by the way, that could have maimed the man for life.
I've watched this video so many times and have read what so many have said in the various reports at NewsOK and the TV sites, the comments at YouTube, etc. and I have decided that the initial reaction to this is wrong, wrong, wrong. Instead of praise, Trooper Brian Orr should be arrested and charged with assault, police brutality, and unnecessary force in the apprehension of a suspect.
I am disgusted that people really think this is appropriate.
I know he was violating the rules of Owen Field.
He should not have done what he did.
He was charged with a simple misdemeanor - he wasn't fleeing an armed robbery.
Why could Trooper Orr not have simply run to the guy, grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Come on pardner, I think you've had one too many. You're coming with me." (???) He could have then walked him off the field, handcuffed him, and had him taken to the appropriate facility. I would have supported that as a proportional response. If the guy resisted then Trooper Orr could have thrown around his bulk.
But the violence displayed by Brian Orr was absolutely wrong and indefensible. Instead of the praise and accolades, he should see charges much harsher than those filed against the prankster, dancer, whatever.
I know I will be castigated for daring to offer a different point of view. But I honestly think the potentially very dangerous "tackle" should be called what it truly was - totally unnecessary violence and the response was way out of proportion to what the guy did.
Flame away. But, please, before you write a knee-jerk response. Think about it. Watch the video. Think about the response from Trooper Orr to this "horrible" crime.
See the Channel 4 video that shows the hit from a different angle than the YouTube video. You see just how much force was used in the slam against this "criminal."
The anchors laughing and joking is, in my opinion, just horrible.