Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
What's amazing is how expensive things were back then when you adjust for inflation.

That $70 bike in 1968 would be $470 in today's dollars.

Of course, we tended to get far less back then; as in one big gift and maybe a few smaller ones.
I was thinking the same thing!!! No doubt this is one issue where the contemporary trumps the past

Some of those prices were pretty startling for FORTY years ago!

As I look back, I realize now that my mom was pretty creative in making it seem like several smaller things were LOTS of things; blocks, tinkertoys, matchbox cars, ...

Man, I'm having serious nostalgia phase here.....(sniff)...

Christmas is a special time for a kid. I mean, I was about a generation off "A Christmas Story," but the way "Ralphie" lived through the season as a kid rang awfully authentic for me. Loved it, and still do.