I think Joe's would be great in Bricktown. No, there doesn't need to be a Sooner shop next door to it either. Joe's can just be a restaurant, it doesn't have to be partisan - and this is coming from a Sooner fan. Joe's name carries quite a bit of cache and would be perfect for the area.

We still need more retail and other things to do down there though. It's no surprise some of these are going out of business because there already are so many restaurants there. No surprise another steak house would go out of business because there's already several down there. And Fuego or whatever it was had nothing unique about it.

I know that some tried to make a go of it in retail thre, like Boone's - and it was a nice place - it just wasn't open enough and at the right times.

I also feel some of the reason for the slow down is because of Inferior Bricktown. I think alot of business owners saw what a subpar development that is and assumed that was the way Brictown was going and so opted not to go into business there.