My sweet wife, who snapped that shot, (and also put together The Absolutely Best On-The Trail Snack Bag EVER) clicked that PhotoMemory with that same ol' pesky, over-sensitive, PhoneCam mentioned, above.

She also echoed my previously expressed sentiments regarding " energy infrastructure" by noting, verbally, after reviewing her artistic effort, by suggesting that "the electrical stuff should be underground because [it takes away from the Natural Beauty]". All I could say was: "Yup." I didn't add anything along the lines of: "Pick your battles . . ." or "It is what it is . . ."

Ruby's in Purcell was a U-Turn moment.
She was hungry. The rings and the burgers were Old School.
And, within the context of actual reality, quite good.
In fact, approaching perfection.
Sort of a serendipity deal, if one thinks about it . . . =)

Probably akin to saying something about "look at all the mistletoe in that tree" . . .

Heck . . . She just presented me with a little token of appreciation (in honor of The Road Trip, Local) that looks like a mini Oklahoma license plate, except for it's a key fob, that has my name on the reverse side. She owns a matching one. Except with her name, o' course. =)