This is a question for the nay-sayers. Those who think we should sit around and pick the bugs out of our teeth instead of growing as a city.

You are against taxes, even to pay for the things YOU use such as the arena, the streets, the city utilities, our police and fire departments, etc. EXACTLY how would you fund these things and create money to expand our city and update our aging streets and fund the venues required by major cities?

You think a city of 1.5 million (aprox) with a major airport demographic radius of around two million, in a city that is trying to become a premier city, and has already proven itself to the major sports leagues, should not expand. Even if that city has the smallest number of gates of any major city its size. Why? What would YOU do to increase non stop (the phrase is non stop, not direct. there is a differece) flights to cities that we need service to. Plus, how would you avoid being caught with your pants down when the city hits that two million mark and is begging for more gates?

You think a city of 1.5 million does not have over crowded freeways and does not need a light rail system. What would you do when you get caught with your pants down and the congestion becomes similar the stereotype of Los Angeles?

You think a lottery is not the answer to our education needs, and think some lame incumbant who can not see a resolution to part of the problem in front of her nose is the best Secretery of Education Oklahoma has ever had. How would YOU solve the problem?

You think some Congressman, Governor what to be who has NO chance at election and one who takes money alloted his home town and gives it to another city and state is the greatest man since Jesus himself. And the sitting Governor has done nothing? Why? I do not understand your reasoning. Please explain.

I ask these questions on occasion and never get an answer. Why? You HAVE no answer.

Do I want answers? Yes. You think you are right, so "put up or shut up" as the expression goes. Will I get answers? I doubt it since most people who appose people like me have no true argument.