I adore pizza. I truly do. It is one of my favorite foods.
I am a tad picky about my pizza. I rarely ever just order without a bit of thought.
And I rarely make a goof. Oh, to be sure, typos here and elsewhere galore.
But pizza? Nah, that's real important stuff.
Until last night apparently.

The moment I opened the box, I knew something was amiss.
The color was off, the aroma as well.
One bite in, and it hit me.

Who the heck could forget to put sauce on a pizza, especially one which, as normal, was ordered with extra sauce.

Turns out, I should have reviewed the box I clicked before I sent the order.
I did it to myself. And they, in turn, made exactly what I ordered.


So laddies and lasses, let not this happen to you.
Proofread your orders.

Sigh. It could have been a great pizza, instead of mere fuel.