There is enough room in this market for two sports stations in Oklahoma City. I predict both will do pretty well as time goes on. WWLS has not really had a competitor that will give them a run for their money. Sure the Ref and Fox Sports are competition but, there not on FM and there not as strong as WWLS is. WWLS has been asleep at the wheel for several years because of no real competition. Competition is a good thing in radio because you know you have to keep your audience listening. You can't ramble on about your wife and kids, the tv show you watched last night and where you have been on vacation. If you know your audience could flip to listen to the other guys you will find something interesting to talk about.

I am really surprised Jim Traber has last as long as he has on sports radio. When I listened to his talk show on WKY when it was current events and politics he was a complete bore. He even brought his wife in a couple of days a week and it was even more boring. It was the equivalent of listening to two people sitting down for coffee in a restaurant talking about nothing.