Originally Posted by
Jim Kyle
We can, and do, say that all the time. The problem is that any and every thing CAN be a weapon. If guns are prohibited, knives will do. Prohibit those, and clubs will work. Eliminate them, and any handy rock will suffice. Get rid of all possible objects, and the human hand is still available for use in violence.
Rather than do away with all possible tools, we need to get at the root cause -- which is the fact that we humans are predators, and some of our favorite prey are other humans. Like perfection, total elimination of violence is impossible to achieve -- but we can and should reduce its importance to our culture. If we don't, it will destroy us; it seems to be well on its way, already.
We could begin by boycotting movies and TV shows that glorify it, such as the James Bond franchise. We could quit patronizing advertisers who support such things by product placement or outright sponsorship. If violence ceased to be profitable, its impact on our culture would quickly diminish. But of course I'm dreaming; these things, also, are probably impossible...