Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
Football traffic and its congestion absolutely does have a place in the discussions as can be seen when the topic has been discussed by various OU, City, state and federal officials many times in various official settings over the years....

These people know there are very real and very valid reasons why its an important topic.

From strictly a safety and security stand point game day congestion is something that is taken extremely seriously, just as it should be by appropriate officials. In the event of a large emergency Lindsey street is one of the most important streets for emergency traffic and for possible evacuations.

A one lane Lindsey street that I was responding to doesn’t even come close to adequately meeting the desired outcome....In fact its ridiculous to think that a one lane road fits our future needs..A one lane road with roundabouts would significantly slow emergency services and slow normal traffic.
When it comes to emergency services, peoples lives and property will have a much higher priority than anything else, just as they should. But if for no other reason than Norman’s future growth, on this, the city got this one right! It's now time to start plans on building to Elm street for many of the same reasons as above.

PS: in the 42 years that I have been attending OU football games mostly from 100+ miles out of town just getting in and out of town has become far more time consuming... But I have rarely used Lindsey on game-day. I snake around on mostly residential streets. For the many hundreds of millions that have been brought into Norman because of football over the years its well worth not taking this for granted.

When its going to make every day life in Norman better a few additional million to make the trip a little better for our visitors is a nice friendly investment that leaves a better lasting impression on the day when the most people from out of town are in our community.

I'm just saying...game day traffic has NOT been brought up at any of the meetings that I have been do.

David Boren didn't mention it once during his mini-speeches at the livable lindsay workshops.

I am not saying that I favor a 2 lane road instead of 4 lanes, but what I am saying is that it's ludicrous to plan for an event that happens 1.6% of the year.