I thought this was interesting... front page news on my home town newspaper website - San Jose, Calif.

Mel Gibson goes incognito to screening

Actor and director Mel Gibson visited two Oklahoma towns this week to attend screenings of his new movie, ``Apocalypto.''
Gibson did not make a public appearance during screenings held at the Riverwind Casino in Goldsby and Cameron University in Lawton. At the entrance of the casino -- where the film was shown Friday to a mostly American Indian audience -- reporters were kept behind partitions.
He arrived at Cameron on Thursday morning wearing a mask and wig so he wouldn't be noticed, university spokeswoman Amber McNeil said.

Jhane Myers, an Oklahoma City-based publicist who escorted Gibson, issued a statement saying Gibson was ``deeply touched by the warm reception he has received while in Oklahoma.''
Myers had said earlier in the week that Gibson had canceled the screenings planned for Oklahoma.
Gibson co-wrote and directed ``Apocalypto,'' which is billed as an action-adventure film set in the last days of the Mayan civilization in Mexico. It will be released Dec. 8.