So if you haven't hear about this, here's a not so big shocker. The doctors at MRMC have given the management company, HMA, an ultimatum. Either get out, or they will.

Doctors ask HMA to walk away

The article doesn't really pain the whole picture. Had they been invited to stay for the entire meeting, they would have seen a much less hospital-friendly environment. My contacts with the doctors/staff passed on more of their side of the story to me. At this point, the staff is so tired of the facilty being taken down to the crap level that it has, then they (the doctors) have informed HMA that if they did not leave, that the physicians would and would simply open their own hospital. Guess what happens when doctors leave a hospital? They have to close because they dont have doctors. This isn't just a small disgruntled group either, it's the entire physician staff...and that includes a HUGE portion of the nursing staff as well.

Basically, they're voiceing now (in a very public way) what the public has known for years. HMA took a great place and flushed it down the crapper.

Here are some more articles:
Staff members not drinking HMA Kool-Aid anymore

There were some very interesting opinion articles in that issue as well. They were stories from recent patients of the facility....eye-opening to someone that doesn't know how bad it's gotten at MRMC. I have to say, the last few times someone in my family has had the unfortunate experience of needing to go to MRMC, our situations were very similar. And those are NOT good experiences. Contrast to the experiences i've had at Baptist, Mercy, and OU which have all been excellent.