This is more of a rant...

Was flying in last night from Chicago. There were a lot of foreigners coming to OKC for the first time. (Asian and Middle East) I couldn't help hear the lady behind me...

"Yeah, OKC is a small city. Mostly agricultural. Like cows, not goat or sheep. It's not a real pretty town, very rural. Including what we call the suburbs, there are around 450,000 people that live here. Downtown doesn't have people, it's not like Chicago. Most of the better restaurants are on the north side in Edmond or in Norman. Downtown is mostly just business. There are a few tall buildings, but not many. A few energy companies are here, but most of our economy is agriculture. As far as sports go we really only have football, like American football, kind of like rugby, and we also have a basketball team."

This went on for 20 or 30 minutes and I could not believe my ears. I had to hold every grain in my body back from turning around and saying something.

I sincerely hope the average OKC resident knows more about this city than this lady. If not we have a local perception problem, not a national one.